Pain Relief Management

What we offer you

​​​​​​​​​​Doctors Medical Clinics

Pain management approaches include medications, injections, therapy and exercise. Your provider may recommend one approach or a combination of several. Pain management plans help people with chronic (long-lasting) pain feel better and improve their quality of life.

​Medication is the most common form of chronic pain treatment in the U.S. And when managed correctly, it is also the easiest and most effective way to combat pain. Pain medication ranges from common varieties you can get over the counter to prescription meds for treating serious discomfort.

Chronic pain management programs consist of comprehensive treatment of chronic pain which must address both physical and psychological aspects; thus, inter-disciplinary approaches to pain management involve medical management, physical therapy, occupational therapy, biofeedback, vocational and recreational therapy, and psychological counseling.

Common types of chronic pain include:

Arthritis, or joint pain.
Back pain.
Neck pain.
Cancer pain near a tumor.
Headaches, including migraines.
Testicular pain (orchialgia).
Lasting pain in scar tissue.
Muscle pain all over (such as with fibromyalgia).